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Psychologist Session

About Faro Counselling

Find out more about us. We'd love to get to know you as well. 


"Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter"

- Izaak Walton       

About Faro

If you want to know about something, you start with it's name. In many cultures, a name represents more than a moniker to identify something, but rather contains within it information about its function, purpose, or the desire of the one who named it. The same is true for this practice.


"Faro" means lighthouse in a variety of languages. Faro was chosen as the name for this practice because the lighthouse symbolizes the journey of therapy and the relationship between the therapist and the client. The lighthouse stands as a symbol of hope and safety. It provides hope to those long at sea that land is close. Similarly, a therapist provides hope to someone who has been suffering for a long time that change is close and healing possible. A lighthouse provides safety by warning ships in treacherous seas of rocks and shallow waters that could lead to their destruction. Likewise, a therapist provides the light of their expertise to a client in distress about possible pitfalls and help them navigate the obstacles they face. 


Ships approach the lighthouse but do not stop there, they continue to their destination being helped only for a brief time. Similarly, our goal is to be in your life for a brief time to help you on your journey and then, while the benefits remain, we will be forgotten as you find new growth, calmer waters, and more fulfilling experiences.


We believe that everyone has the ability to live a meaningful and fulfilling life and we hope to have the opportunity to help you experience that reality.

Every human being is valuable and, despite any present or past circumstance, has the miraculous ability to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Hi, I am David Onuoha, RP (Qualifying). I founded Faro counselling as an extension of my life goal to create a better world for those who I come in contact with. I studied at the University of Toronto receiving a B.Sc. in Psychology in 2014 and a Masters of Pastoral Studies in 2023. I am registered with the Collège of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO #14761).

About David Onuoha, RP

Hi, I am David Onuoha, RP. I founded Faro counselling as an extension of my life goal to create a better world for those who I come in contact with. I studied at the University of Toronto receiving a B.Sc. in Psychology in 2014 and a Masters of Pastoral Studies in 2023. I am registered with the Collège of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO #14761).


I am passionate about helping people navigate life's hardest challenges. I create a non-judgmental space where a collaborative exploration of past experiences and present situations can blossom into discoveries of meaning and purpose, resulting in a more hopeful, brighter future. I love helping people use their psychological, emotional, and spiritual strengths to attain the goals they have for their life. 


I use an existential approach that is informed by various modalities including narrative therapy, somatic experiencing, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), emotion focused therapy (EFT), and the Gottman method. My approach is also informed by my experiences as a husband and a father, and my Christian faith, which provides the lens through which I see the world. I have an eclectic taste in music, I play soccer, and enjoy a good game of chess. 


I believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. That is why I offer a range of evidence-based psychotherapy services which I tailor to meet your unique needs to provide better mental health outcomes.

Ready to start the journey to mental wellness?

Click the button below to book a consultation with David Onuoha, RP

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603 Argus Rd, Suite 209. Oakville, ON L6J 6G6​


© 2023 Faro Counselling. All rights reserved.

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